Team Impact
We’re in business to improve lives
Progress with every purchase
At Team Hired, we’re directing a portion of our net profits toward supporting our United States Veterans, Homeless, and At Risk youth in our local communities.* This means with every Team Hired purchase, so are you.
We’re in business to improve lives
Team Hired stands for a better tomorrow–one where humanity thrives. To us, that means no matter who you are or where you live, you feel physically safe, mentally healthy, and have equal access to opportunity. Every Team Hired purchase enables us to invest in local partners around the world who are working to create positive change in these three areas.
Free Employment Assistance
We believe everyone has the right to equal opportunity employment, whether that means at home or in their community. That’s why we support local community members seek meaningful employment .

Mental Health
We believe everyone should be in a position to realize their full potential, coping with daily stressors, living productive lives, and contributing to their community.

Team Impact is Committed to driving positive change
Team Impact is composed of our internal Team Hired Team members that have passion for impacting their local communities in a meaningful way. At Team Hired a core part of our mission is expanding our foot print of good with the goal of inspiring others to join us on our mission of good.